Multi Strategy Wholesale Invesment Strategy
The Multi Strategy Program is a high performance high conviction managed account. The strategy is a genuine active strategy that is founded on a consistent, disciplined, and proven investment approach. It uses a top-down quantitative approach to selectively invest in high growth stocks on the Australian and US markets. While being a long-only approach, the strategy has the mandate to revert to a 100% cash position during sustained downward environments. This mechanism controls downside exposure that in turn attempts to increase the long-term risk adjusted return profile.
Objective | High Growth |
Benchmark | Russell-1000 |
Markets traded | ASX and US |
Cash limit | 0 - 100% |
Recommended investment period long term | Minimum 7 years |
Minimum investment | A$250,000 (Wholesale Investor only) |
Management Fee | 1.5% p.a. of portfolio value |
Performance Fee | 20% of any performance above the Benchmark with high water mark |
The HSC Multi Strategy Wholesale Invesment Strategy is only available to Wholesale & Sophisticated Investors.
Multi Strategy Investment Flyer Harbourside - Multi Strategy Wholesale IP